And who just asked for paint for Christmas? Me! So it looks like Christmas just might come a little early for me... Right, Hubs?!
In case you're wondering how you can get into such an exclusive preferred member paint club, all you need to do is sign up for their email alerts. Then, on sale day, just go in and ask for the 30% email discount, and don't forget to bring along a printed online coupon too! You smug smart shopper, you!
S-W really is better paint. Really. And it usually costs about $44.00 a gallon (and you thought gas was expensive), and with the discounts, it's just as cheap as the Depot. And it's better- better color, better coverage, nicer wear, better, better.
Now, can you believe Jim is contemplating making me wait to use my paint until Christmas?!
Peeps, help me out! Don't wait for the polls to open tomorrow to cast your vote in my comment section- Should I get an early Christmas, or let the gallons of paint sit until December?? You can bet I will exercise my right to vote on this one.
I vote for early Christmas!!
I vote for an early Christmas, too!
well, of course i vote for an early Christmas... ahem!
You should SURELY get your paint early - that way you can enjoy the new "shack" for Christmas!!!
Thanks for the lead on the cheap paint. I'm partial to Benjamin Moore paint, but am in COMPLETE agreement that you get what you pay for when it comes to paint - I can't stand the Home Depot stuff! And we'r painting the entry way this week (and all of my new white six panel solid doors are being put in!!!! I'm not excited or anything :) SO...I may head over there to get my paint!!!
I vote for an early Christmas too so you can enjoy it ON Christmas!
Just put a big bow on the door ;)
Come on Jim...seriously. :) Just let the woman paint for crying out loud! At least she does it! I have Doug do all our painting. :) Maybe you doing it could be part of her gift too. :) I vote...YES...paint early!
like Andrea said...get it now so you can ENJOY it on Christmas! :)
Well, obviously you need to paint NOW so that you can put up Christmas decorations with the fancy schmancy new paint color in the background :)
annie, you have a good strategy. i encourage all readers who know jim personally to give him an especially hard time about this. it can't hurt.
I say get it now:) We used to have this amazing paint store. He had the BEST paint and it was really inexpensive. The paint lasted so much longer than typical paint and it looked so much better. Sadly HD put him out of business. He had been in business for a few decades so it was really disappointing. Anyways...
I think you should paint now, before the holidays come. You'll be too busy cooking, shopping and preparing, that you won't have time to paint later. Not only that but you could enjoy the finished product as your Christmas present. (what fun is a gift of "work"? Get the work done now, and enjoy your paint on Christmas!)
I vote get it and paint it now, so you can use it and show it off during the holidays.
Also, it is funny that everyone has such strong opinions of paint brands. We just painted every room in our house (except our bedroom because it gets pushed back and back) and we started with SW and ended with Lowes. I can't say I can tell a difference, yet. Maybe in the next few years?! We will be repainting the kitchen again and using Benjamin Moore but only because SW couldn't match the color well enough.
Sorry for the babbling story.
I vote early Christmas because then you can relax and enjoy your christmas evem more!
I admit -- right now all I want to do is break the unanimousity (is that a word?). So --
Go ahead and make her wait, Jim!
ur so funny Megan - go for it!!! I have no patience so I couldn't wait for Christmas anyway, lol!!! :-)
Jim, I hate that I am having to beg here. Really, I say you go ahead and add a deposit to that love account and let her have an early Christmas!!
Megan, I can't wait for the results. What time do the polls close? Maybe I'll pull an acorn and vote twice.
Hmmm I think you have to WAIT til' Christmas!!!!
I am totally kidding~ thats just CRUEL~ I like the whole idea of having everything ready for Christmas ORRRR maybe even Thanksgiving?!?!
Sorry Megan, but you said:
**Shameless, Needless, Plug To My Hubs Who Already Knows This: All I want for Christmas is to paint and decorate the love shack!**
You asked to piant for Christmas, so I think you need to wait.
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